Pepcon Syrup - Power Plus

Power Plus

Your Problems Are Here

Thursday 25 October 2018

Pepcon Syrup

Pepcon Syrup 
Pepcon Syrup


Pepcon Syrup is a stomach settling agent and hostile to ulcerant with very much acknowledged medication mix, without reactions or poisonous quality. Pepcon directs corrosive emission and gives moment alleviation from hyperacidity, mitigates torment and related side effects like heaving, frames a defensive layer on mucosa and hurries recuperating of ulcer. Pepcon limits the odds of backslide, checks gastritis and reflux.

Structure: Each 5ml contains: 

Zingiber Officinale

Menthe Piperita

Trachyspermum Ammi

Foeniculum Vulgare

Helpful Class: Antacid and Antiflatulant

Advantages: Relieves from: 


Heart Burn




Children: 1 teaspoonful (5ml) 2-3 times each day

Adults: 2-3 Teasponful (10-15 ml) 3-4 times each day.


Store at room temperature.

Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.

Keep away out of the span of the Children.

Shake a long time before utilize.

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