2018 - Power Plus

Power Plus

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Wednesday 5 December 2018

Quatrefol Tablets

22:34 0
Quatrefol Tablets

Quatrefol Tablet

Quatrefol Tablet
Quatrefol Tablet speaks to an imaginative dietary fixing intended to go about as a supplement in all regions where folic corrosive and aggregate supplementation has been suggested and permitted. It speaks to fourth era folate giving more prominent dependability, higher water solvency and higher adequacy.

Creation: Each Tablet contains:
           (6S)- 5 Methyltetrahydrofolate glucosamine salt

Restorative Class:
           Gynecology (For Women Healthcare)

           Dietary Supplementation amid and before Pregnancy
           Dietary Supplementations amid lactation
           Dietary supplementation in grown-ups and more established individuals
           Macrocytic sickliness
           Spontaneous Abortion

           For Adults: Take 12 Tablets day by day or as coordinated by the enrolled doctors.

           Store at room temperature.
           Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.
           Keep away out of the range of the Children.

Monday 5 November 2018

Mayofit Capsule

22:52 0
Mayofit Capsule

Mayofit Capsule

Mayofit Capsule

Mayofit Capsule contains L-Carnitine has been appeared through clinical preliminaries to help cardiovascular wellbeing starting with its capacity to help with clearing fats from the blood and into the mitochondria, the vitality powerhouse of the phones. CoQ-10 is basic to the capacity of heart, liver and kidneys where it bolsters cell layer adjustment and goes about as a cancer prevention agent, notwithstanding vitality creation. This mix of Lcarnitine and CoQ-10 is basic to cardiovascular capacity (heart muscle) and helpful blood lipid profiles.

Organization: Each Capsule contains:
             Co-Enzyme Q10

Helpful Class: Cardiology

             Promotes Heart Health
             Boosts Immunity
             Aids in Energy Production
             Helps to lessen the maturing procedure.

             For Adults: Take 1-2 containers every day ideally with feast or as coordinated by the enrolled doctors.

             Store at room temperature.
             Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.
             Keep away out of the scope of the Children.

Thursday 25 October 2018

Ferobis Syrup

08:44 0
Ferobis Syrup

Ferobis Syrup 

Ferobis Syrup


Ferobis Syrup contain Iron Bisglycinate press is the most critical mineral engaged with the creation of sound red platelets. Ferobis Tablets are delicate on the stomach and don't cause bothering, blockage or looseness of the bowels. The additional vitamin C, helps accelerate ingestion and digestion of iron, making it a standout amongst the best Iron Supplements available. LMethylfolate increment the RBC folates. 

Arrangement: Each 10ml contains: 

  • Press Bisglycinate 

  • L-Methylfolate 

  • Vitamin C 

Restorative Class: 

  • Against Anemic (Iron Supplement) 

  • Gynecology (Women Healthcare) 

Advantages: Iron Deficiency Anemia amid:- 

  • Adolescent 

  • Seniority 

  • Polymenorrhea 

  • Hypermenorrhea 

  • Low Hb Level 

  • Pregnency and Lactation 

  • Post Menopausal State 


  • For Children: 1 teaspoonful three times each day after dinners. 

  • For Adult: 2 teaspoonful three times each day after dinners. 


  • Store at room temperature. 

  • Shield from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate. 

  • Repel out of the span of the Children. 

  • Shake a long time before utilize.

Ezicof Syrup

08:41 0
Ezicof Syrup

Ezicof Syrup

Ezicof Syrup

Ezi-cof Syrup is cough syrup which contains extracts of natural herbs & has been developed for support and restore normal respiratory functions. Ezi-Cof Syrup relieves chest congestion, smoothes the mucus membrane of bronchial walls and restores normal breathing.
Composition: Each 5ml contains:
  • Glycyrrhiza Glabra
  • Adhatoda Vasica
  • Hysopus Officinalis
  • Ephedra Vulgaris
  • Abrus Precatonus
  • Violaodorata
  • Ocimum Tenuiflorum
  • Piper Nigrum,
  • Morus Nigra
Therapeutic Class: Anti-Cough (Respiratory System)
  • Natural Relief for an Irritating cough.
  • Relief from Dry cough
  • Loosens mucus
  • Helps you breathe more freely
  • Relives coughing
  • Alleviates inflammation
  • Children:        1 teaspoonful once or twice a day
  • Adults:            1 ½ teaspoonful three times a day
Or as directed by the registered physicians.
  • Store at room temperature.
  • Protect from light & Excessive heat. Do not refrigerate.
  • Keep out of the reach of Children.
  • Shake well before use.

Extencee Plus Capsule

06:45 0
Extencee Plus Capsule

Extencee Plus Capsule

Extencee Plus Capsule


Extencee Plus Capsule is a particularly outlined item after broad examination to defeat the issues of sexual issue. It is a one of a kind mix of conventional herbs used to treat sexual debility and exceptionally inquire about herbs of present day period that are ended up being boundlessly compelling in sexual breakdowns. Extencee Plus Capsule redresses sexual brokenness as well as keeps up a solid sexual life and increment the season of discharge and erection.

Piece: Each Capsule contains:

·         Tribulus Terrestris

·         Asphalatum Puniabunium

·         Zinc

·         Seleniun

·         Pausinystalia Yuhimbe

·         Ginseng

·         Vitamin E

·         Epimedium Sagittatum

Helpful Class: Aphrodisiac (for Male Sexual Power)


·         For the administration of sexual Dysfunction.

·         General Sexual Asthenia

·         Psychosomatic Sexual Disorder

·         Loss of Libido

·         Diminishing in Sexual Drive

Measurements or Dosage:

·         Two containers twice day by day with dinners ideally with drain.

·         If there should arise an occurrence of diminished erection time and Sexual drive two containers 1.5 hours previously going to bed.


·         Store at room temperature.

·         Shield from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.

·         Fend off out of the range of the Children.

Fenucap Capsule

06:36 0
Fenucap Capsule

Fenucap Capsule

Fenucap Capsule

Fenucap Capsule Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a yearly herb local to the Mediterranean district of the world. Fenugreek is utilized all through the world as a culinary flavor and has been utilized by ladies for a considerable length of time as a "galactagogue" – a characteristic item to build the creation of bosom drain. Fenugreek contains diosgenin, a plant-based estrogen, which has been appeared to expand drain stream in lactating ladies to enable help to bosom drain generation.
Creation: Each Capsule contains:
           Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)

Restorative Class: Gynecology (Women Healthcare)

           Promotes generally speaking wellbeing particularly for ladies
           Great for lactating/breastfeeding moms
           Helps to help bosom drain creation
           Reduces menstrual inconvenience
           Reduces side effects of menopause
           Helps lighten type II diabetes
           Helps control blood

           For Adult: Take 12 Capsules day by day or as coordinated by the enrolled doctors.

           Store at room temperature.
           Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.
           Keep away out of the span of the Children.

Fibocon Sachet

06:34 0
Fibocon Sachet

Fibocon Sachet

Fibocon Sachet


Fibocon Sachet is a wheat dextrin with blend Green tea Extract powder, wheat Dextrin is a dissolvable non gooey fiber that controls and advance consistent defecation particularly in individuals with a propensity toward clogging. Fibocon Sachet has Orange taste and can be included into water, your most loved refreshments, and is sans gluten with an uncommon expansion of green tea extricate for synergistic advantages."

Structure: Each Sachet contains:
               Wheat Dextrin
               Green Tea Extract

Remedial Class:
               Laxative (To treat the Constipation)

               Prevents Constipation
               Regulates Bowel and assimilation
               Reduces Cholesterol
               Helps in weight Control
               Maintains Healthy Cholesterol Level

               For Adults: Put 1 sachet into an unfilled glass. Blend It in a glass of water or other liquid. Mix well until
totally blended and drink the whole wonderful orange tasting drink instantly.

               Store at room temperature.
               Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.
               Keep away out of the scope of the Children.

Ossein-D Suspension

06:30 0
Ossein-D Suspension

Ossein-D Suspension 

Ossein-D Suspension


Ossein-D Suspension contains the natural framework (Ossein) and the mineral parts (Hydroxyapatite) of bone tissue in physiological extents alongside Vitamin D.

Sythesis: Each 5ml contains: 

Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol)

Ossein Mineral Complex

Remedial Class: 

Calcium Supplement



Poor Bone and Teeth Development:- 


Bone torment

Increased bone delicacy


Increased mineral prerequisites amid pregnancy


For Children: 1-2 Teasponful day by day before suppers or as coordinated by the enlisted doctors.

For Adults: 2-4 Teasponful every prior day suppers or as coordinated by the enlisted doctors.


Store at room temperature.

Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.

Keep away out of the compass of the Children.

Shake a long time before utilize.

Ora-E Drops

03:29 0
Ora-E Drops

Ora-E Drops 

Ora-E Drops


Vitamin E is a very absorbable fluid.

Fluid frame makes it perfect for the individuals who experience issues or incline toward not to swallow cases or tablets and for people with stomach related and retention troubles.

Vitamin E adds to the insurance of cells from oxidative pressure

Organization: Each Drop contains: 
  • Vitamin E (Alpha tocopheryl) 
Helpful Class: Vitamin E Supplement


For Maintenance of ideal "Vitamin E" levels in the body or in any condition where "Vitamin E" supplementation is required.

Specially detailed to renew the lack states.


To administer one drop, rearrange bottle at 45 edge until the point when a drop develops. May be out in with nourishment, drink or taken a spoon.

For kids: two drops for each day or as coordinated by the enlisted doctors.


Store at room temperature.

Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.

Keep away out of the scope of the Children.

Pepcon Syrup

03:15 0
Pepcon Syrup
Pepcon Syrup 
Pepcon Syrup


Pepcon Syrup is a stomach settling agent and hostile to ulcerant with very much acknowledged medication mix, without reactions or poisonous quality. Pepcon directs corrosive emission and gives moment alleviation from hyperacidity, mitigates torment and related side effects like heaving, frames a defensive layer on mucosa and hurries recuperating of ulcer. Pepcon limits the odds of backslide, checks gastritis and reflux.

Structure: Each 5ml contains: 

Zingiber Officinale

Menthe Piperita

Trachyspermum Ammi

Foeniculum Vulgare

Helpful Class: Antacid and Antiflatulant

Advantages: Relieves from: 


Heart Burn




Children: 1 teaspoonful (5ml) 2-3 times each day

Adults: 2-3 Teasponful (10-15 ml) 3-4 times each day.


Store at room temperature.

Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.

Keep away out of the span of the Children.

Shake a long time before utilize.

Ora-A Drops

03:10 0
Ora-A Drops

Ora-A Drops 

Ora-A Drops


Ora-A Drops is fat solvent that is additionally an intense enemies of oxidants. Vitamin An assume a basic job in keep up the sound vision, neurological capacities, solid skin and that's only the tip of the iceberg. Ora-A Drops is engaged with diminishing the irritation through battling free extreme harm. Ora-A Drops is likewise in charge of building the solid bones, managing quality control, facilating cell separate and supporting capacities.

Arrangement: Each Drop contains: 

Vitamin A (Retinyl Palmitate)

Restorative Class: Vitamin A Supplement


For Maintenance of ideal "Vitamin A" levels in the body or in any condition where "Vitamin A" supplementation is required.

Specially detailed to recharge the insufficiency states.


To administer one drop, reverse container at 45 point until the point when a drop rises. May be out in with sustenance, drink or taken a spoon.

For youngsters: two drops for each day or as coordinated by the enrolled doctors.


Store at room temperature.

Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.

Keep away out of the span of the Children.

Myosol Sachet

01:22 0
Myosol Sachet

Myosol Sachet 

Myosol Sachet


Myosol Sachet is a remarkable mix of Myo-Inositol and Folic corrosive, it adds to keeping up the physiological parity of ladies who require an enhancement of these supplements to control the digestion of fats and sugars and ovulation.

Arrangement: Each Sachet contains: 


Folic Acid

Restorative Class: 

Gynecology (Women Healthcare)


Improve Egg and Oocyte quality and reestablishes Ovarian Activity in PCOS Patients

Helps PCOS Patients to enhance Insulin Sensitivity, Improved Glucose Tolerance and Decreased Glucose Stimulated Insulin Release.

Helps reestablish Hormonal Balance

Helps get ready patients experiencing Multiple Follicular Stimulation for IVF.


For Adults: Take 1‐2 sachets broke up in water of as coordinated by the enlisted doctors.


Store at room temperature.

Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.

Keep away out of the span of the Children.

Newton Capsule

01:18 0
Newton Capsule

Newton Capsule 

Newton Capsule


Newton Capsule (Coenzyme Q-10) is a substance like a vitamin. It is founded in every cells of your body. Your body makes CoQ10, and your cells utilize it to create vitality your body requirements for cells development and support system. Its additionally works as a cancer prevention agent, which shields the body from harm cause by unsafe particles.

Creation: Each Capsule contains:

Co-Enzyme Q10

Restorative Area :Cardiology


Energized Heart Cells

Maintaining Health as we age

Energized Brain Cells

Measurement: For Adults: Take 1‐2 cases every day or as coordinated by the enlisted doctors.


Store at room temperature.

Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.

Keep away out of the range of the Children.

Lifevita Tablet

01:09 0
Lifevita Tablet

Lifevita Tablet 

Lifevita Tablet


Lifevita Tablet is a mix of a wide range of vitamins that are ordinarily found in nourishments abnd other regular sources. Multivitamins are use to give vitamins that are not taken in through the eating regimen. Multivitamins are likewise used to treat vitamin insufficiencies (Lack of Vitamins).

Arrangement: Each Tablet contains: 



Restorative Class: 




Weakness amid Pregnancy and Lactation

General shortcoming

Old Age

Diabetic Neuropathy

Chronic Illness Osteoporosis


For Adults: take 1 Tablet every day amid or after suppers. As coordinated by the enlisted doctors.


Store at room temperature.

Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.

Keep away out of the compass of the Children.

Wednesday 24 October 2018


01:05 0



CAPCIDOL-F Lotion 60 and120 ml 
Capsicum remove 0.075% w/v - Epsom Salts 0.050%w/v - Mentholum 0.050%w/v 
What is in this flyer? 
If it's not too much trouble read this flyer deliberately before you begin to utilize your medication. It contains an outline of the data accessible on our drug. In the event that you have any inquiry or you don't know about anything ask your specialist or Pharmacist. 
What CAPCIDOL-F Lotion is utilized for and how it functions? 
CAPCIDOL-F Lotion 60 and120 ml is utilized to calm in consuming feet Syndrome. CAPCIDOL-F Lotion contains Capsium separate 0.075%w/v (Natural Capsicin)- Epsom Salts 0.050%w/v-Mentholum 0.050%w/v of normally happening substance found in plants of the Solanaceae family. Research has demonstrated that CAPCIDOL-F Lotion works by decreasing levels of a compound (substance P), or, in other words transmitting heat motivations to the cerebrum. When it is discharged. As CAPCIDOL-F Lotion diminishes the measure of Substance P, it has a warmth soothing impact when connected on the surface of the skin.
Exhortation before utilizing CAPCIDOL-F Lotion. 
Try not to utilize CAPCIDOL-F Lotion on broken or aggravated skin. Keep away from contact with eyes and delicate tissue organs. Keep out of the compass of youngsters. Never utilize on the off chance that you have fixings hypersensitivity to capsicum or some other. 
How to utilize CAPCIDOL-F Lotion legitimately? 
It is vital to utilize prescriptions as coordinated. Daintily rub a little amount into the skin around the influenced feet palms three times each day. The Lotion ought to be delicately rubbed in, there ought to be no buildup left at first glance. Patient may see a shivering or consuming sensation after the Lotion has been applied,Which is very typical especially in the beginning times of treatment. This is a sign thatThe Lotion is working and after the initial couple of days or weeks this impact will bit by bit diminish. This consuming can be more regrettable if the drug is connected not as much as the Recommended dosage. In the wake of applying CAPCIDOL-F Lotion wash the buildup off from your fingers of hand. 
In the event that it does, Wash it off with a lot of cleanser and water. Try not to scrub down or shower just previously or subsequent to applying the Lotion , as it can exacerbate the consuming impact. You should start to get alleviation inside the initial two weeks of treatment, however the Maximum impact may take multi month to develop as CAPCIDOL-F Lotion works step by step. 
Use in pregnancy: Discuss with specialist 
Use in Children: Consult with specialist 
Capacity conditions 
*Store underneath 30OC. 
*Do not use after the expiry date imprinted on the pack. 
*Keep out of the span of kids. 
*Medicine Classification: Alternative Medicine. 
On the off chance that you need to know more 
On the off chance that you are worried about any part of your treatment with CAPCIDOL-F Lotion , converse with your specialist or drug specialist.

Ginbex Syrup

00:59 0
Ginbex Syrup
Ginbex Syrup 
Ginbex Syrup

The Ginkgo biloba is the most established living tree specie, evaluated to be 150-200 million years of age. It has got trademark fan molded bilobed clears out. The concentrate of Ginkgo biloba was first conveyed to Europe in the 1700`s and now it is a standout amongst the most ordinarily recommended medication in France and Germany. Presently it is likewise well known in the United state and parts of the world. It is a standout amongst the most all around investigated herb on the planet. Ginkgo speak to a standout amongst the most considered and generally utilized home grown cures on the planet. The National Health Interview Survey found that ginkgo was the seventh most well known characteristic item in the United States in 2007. More than 400 clinical preliminaries have been performed taking a gander at a 

assortment of restorative properties and clinical utilize. 

Various clinical investigations have given proof that Ginkgo avoids and benefits numerous issues all through the whole body particularly because of neuroprotective properties and capacity to help circulatory issue in elderly. 


This institutionalized concentrate of Ginkgo biloba contains 2 dynamic constituents I,e. flavonoid Glucosides 42% in particular Kaemferol, Quercetin and Isorhamentin, and Terpene Lactones 6% to be specific Ginkgolides A, B, C, and Bilobalides. The health advantage of Ginkgo relies on the equalization of these two dynamic mixes. 


For the most part works by expanding blood stream to the mind and all through the body`s of vein. This prompts enhanced supply of blood and oxygen to the organ frameworks. Studies have demonstrated that GBE invigorates arrival of two intense vasodilator from the blood vessel endothelium-inferred loosening up factor (EDRF). The impacts appeared to expand add up to perfusion by a huge rate. 

The flavonoid segment f Ginkgo goes about as cancer prevention agent by grabbing free radicals. This outcome is lessened lipid per oxidation and secures against cell layer harm. This cancer prevention agent properity has useful impacts especially in cerebrum, retina of the eye and cardiovascular framework. The Ginkgolide segment in terpene lactone contend with and repress Platelet Activating Factor (PAF) and consequently forestall against platelet accumulation. This enhances blood stream particularly in mind and also in fringe flow or furthest points. Biobalides are thought to animate recovery of harmed nerve cells. These are accordingly in charge of enhancing memory and mental capacity. 


1. Cerebrovascular inadequacy disability and it is practical appearance i.e. Congnitive scatters including memory. Consideration, mindfulness, and so on for instance, Alzheimer`s infection, Dementia, exceptionally connected with maturing (decrepit dementia). 

2. Likewise it is additionally useful in Tinnitus, Vertigo, Menieres`s infection and Macular Degeneration. 

3. Dejection, impervious to standard Antidepressants like trocyclic antidepressants. 

4. Peripteral vascular malady e.g. Diabetic foot, and so on. 

5. Sexual dysfunctions of vascular Origin Especially optional to utilization of antidepressants. 


The general suggested every day dosage go is 120-240 mg in isolated measurements. Anyway in the vast majority of The conditions the higher dosage i.e. 240mg to be taken as 1 tsf b.i.d. is favored for better outcome dependent on the malady and its seriousness, it ought to be utilized as recommended by the doctor. Ideal span of treatment has not been resolved most patient require a very long time before critical impacts are felt in endless conditions the Ginbex administrated for something like 4 two months assessment of viability, it is demonstrated that the more drawn out the treatment in proceeded with the more evident and last outcome are. 


Ginbex in not suggested in youngsters under 2 years age. As examined have been not directed in youngsters, use over 2 years should just be done in the wake of counseling the doctor. 

Ripeness PREGNANCY: 

In exploratory no sign were found for developing life lethal, mutagenic or teratogenic impacts. Oral organization or up to 1600mg/kg/day to rabbits did not created teratogentic impacts. Moreover proliferation was not affected. Human information on unfriendly of Ginkgo readiness regarding richness, pregnancy and lactation isn't accessible. Ginbex should just be utilized amid the principal trimester of pregnancy if this is defended by the foreseen restorative advantage up to now there has been no proof of any expansion in the danger of abnormality in people. 


Ginbex ought to be kept away from in patient with know excessive touchiness to the drug`s fixings. Ought not be utilized in patient with Hemophilia or different issue. 


The consolidated se with headache medicine has been accounted for to cause subdural hematoma in a few people. Use with ibuprofen and different anticoagulants e.g. warfarine ought to in this manner be stayed away from or finished with outrageous consideration. 

Unfavorable EFFECTS: 

Ginkgo biloba separate seems, by all accounts, to be all around endured. The occasinally detailed reactions are gastrointestinal including queasiness, heaving, expanded salivation, loss of craving and acid reflux. These impacts are typically mellow and transient. 


1. GINBEX is accessible as syrup 120ml and 240ml containing EGB 761as 120mg/5ml in pet jug and uncommon warmth and light safe thermo pore pressing. 

2. Ginbex is additionally accessible in cases, each container contain 120 mg of EBG in plastic jug of 30 case packins.