November 2018 - Power Plus

Power Plus

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Monday 5 November 2018

Mayofit Capsule

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Mayofit Capsule

Mayofit Capsule

Mayofit Capsule

Mayofit Capsule contains L-Carnitine has been appeared through clinical preliminaries to help cardiovascular wellbeing starting with its capacity to help with clearing fats from the blood and into the mitochondria, the vitality powerhouse of the phones. CoQ-10 is basic to the capacity of heart, liver and kidneys where it bolsters cell layer adjustment and goes about as a cancer prevention agent, notwithstanding vitality creation. This mix of Lcarnitine and CoQ-10 is basic to cardiovascular capacity (heart muscle) and helpful blood lipid profiles.

Organization: Each Capsule contains:
             Co-Enzyme Q10

Helpful Class: Cardiology

             Promotes Heart Health
             Boosts Immunity
             Aids in Energy Production
             Helps to lessen the maturing procedure.

             For Adults: Take 1-2 containers every day ideally with feast or as coordinated by the enrolled doctors.

             Store at room temperature.
             Protect from light and Excessive warmth. Try not to refrigerate.
             Keep away out of the scope of the Children.